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Hi. That seems like the best way to start things. Right now I should be giving you some great pr-organised spiel about 'ooh, I'm creating this blog to follow my dreams of achieving status on the internet' or 'ooh, I'm trying to leave a mark on the world!' but, really, I'm applying for a Journalism degree, and I thought this would look pretty good on my CV. If you're wondering about the title of this post, it sort-of happened when I realized I didn't want people I knew to find this blog, but then I realized I don't give a shit. That's pretty much my attitude to most things.
I suppose I should start by introducing myself. Right now, as I'm writing this on Sunday 25th of January 2015, I am 17 years, 11 days and probably... 12 hours old. A few facts about me... I suffer with quite a severe anxiety disorder and mild depression... what a great way to start! Don't worry, I'll try not to transfer my all-round shittiness onto my posts. All sunshine-and-roses from here on out, don't worry.
Basically, I had to find something to write about otherwise I wouldn't have a blog to write for. So there's going to be some film and book reviews thrown in here somewhere, a few short 'take a minute out of your lives to read how shit my day has been so you can feel better about yourself' posts and I'll write about stuff when something exciting happens to me. I wouldn't hold your breath about that last one.
So, yeah, it said in the title 'a short introduction' so I've tried to keep it short. I have no idea how to end this. I'm not very good at endings. No, I'm terrible at endings. (See, that one was shit, wasn't it?)