So yeah, stress on top of stress on top of food and sleep and essential idiotic Facebook prank video viewing time, equals a depressed, stressed and not-even-that-well-dressed student, who doesn't even know what she's doing with her life in the next few months, never mind for the foreseeable future. And, yes, that was a hellishly long sentence with no sign of any correct punctuation in sight, but that is what A-Levels have done to me. Actually getting an English qualification has evidently worsened my English skills, as well as depleting my number of friends, and eradicating any form of social life I
once had.

So on top of the list of things I'm currently teetering on the edge of an oh-so-welcoming abyss because of is probably the imminent catastrophe of the summer exams and the five month countdown to when I'm moving into my uni halls. to make matters even more lovely, my university decided it would be a fantastic idea to send me a lovely little leaflet through my door and into my life that had a giant number five on it and, in capital letters, read; 5 MONTH COUNTDOWN TILL UNIVERSITY (EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE HARROWING 3-YEAR LIFE SENTENCE YOU'VE JUST DROPPED YOURSELF INTO)

Ok, so it maybe didn't say the last bit, but still, my knees almost gave way when my mum gave it to me an said 'Ooh, not long now!' Like, yes Mother, I know you've had enough of me, but don't have children, mate, if the only light you can see at the end of an other wise oppressing tunnel is your only child moving away out of your life.
I just thank the Lord that I'm not re-sitting anything this year. If I was, I wouldn't be writing this now, because I would've sailed to some far corner of Eastern Europe, to some remote town with more consonants than vowels in the name, with no internet connection or running water. On second thoughts, maybe not - probably wouldn't survive. And I think we all know that it wouldn't be the possibility of daily salmonella or lack of clean water that would do it for me - where would I get my daily dose of BuzzFeed top tens?
So what am I doing? God knows. Where am I going? God knows. I'd ask him, but I don't think he listens to atheists.
(I found an archive of Inbetweeners memes.)