Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Let's Make a List

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Let's make a list. A compiled list of pet peeves I have and of the things I can't stand. Let's just jump right into this, shall we?

1.) The words 'faggot' and 'spaz' being used as insults. Since when did this become acceptable? People throw these words around without being aware of their actual meanings. I heard my friend call someone a 'fag' a couple of weeks ago and I said 'You know that's really offensive, right?' and she said 'No, is it?'

2.) The word 'cunt'. I mean, it's just a horrible word. I might sound like my Nan, here, but it makes whoever says it instantly unattractive.

3.) People who are obsessed with Fifa. Oh. My. God. Having Fifa as your hobby is fine, you know, a quick hour of it to pass the time when you've got nothing else to do. But I know people who all they talk about is Fifa. They spend their lunch money on 'Fifa points' (whatever the fuck they are) and I
even know people who play it in class whenever they think the teacher isn't looking. It doesn't make them look cool, it makes them look sad and boring as fuck. (I could probably write a whole topic on this. But I won't, don't worry.)

4.) People who don't tidy up after themselves. I think this one's pretty self-explanatory, to be honest.

5.) Clingy couples. People who kiss while other people are eating lunch. I don't want to see that. You don't shit where you eat.

I think that's it for today. I'm probably going to make this into a series like the 'Resolution' posts, so we can all look forward to basking in some more of my hatred for man-kind. Again, thanks for reading and go follow me on all my social networking things so we can all share our hatred for everything with one another. Like a huge circle of hate. That's what they'll call us... I should go now.

(all images presented are not my own and I do not own the rights to any. All rights go to and belong to those who own them)