I've actually made a list of all the things that I've got to do and are stressing me out at the moment and it's pretty extensive. I've always liked making lists. For some reason it really helps to calm me down if I've got everything written down in black-and-white in front of me. Then I can cross things off once they're done, it makes me feel good when everything's all scribbled out, I suppose. God, how sad does that make me sound? That the only thing I get of on in my ridiculously boring life is the fact that, sometimes, some day, every now-and-again, I get to scribble meaningless sentences out on a bit of paper that say something to the effect of 'put on a dark wash' or 'do sociology homework'. In fact, now I think about it, I don't suppose the lists make anything any better at all. And I don't suppose it helps that, in most of my lessons, stuff like this ends up happening:

I suppose I just demonstrated something I mentioned demonstrating in my last posts - my ability to bullshit. Bullshit Bitch, that' what I'd be called. I'd have the ability to fight crime by spewing so much bullshit out of my trap that no criminal would ever dare come close to me because I'd make them want to shoot themselves in the face. Then I'd have nothing to worry about. My ability to bullshit would become so advanced I'd be able to bullshit my way out of anything - no homework, revision or coursework ever again!
They'd have to lock me up in solitary confinement because I would've polluted the minds of every politician in the country. David Cameron would have nothing on me. I'd beat his little posh-boy ass into the Isle of Man when he went up against me in the debates.
Wow, that took a turn. I suppose I should go now. Yeah. That sounds like the best thing for all of us.
(first image presented is not my own and I do not own the rights. All rights go to and belong to those who own the image)