Thursday, 18 June 2015

It's That Time Again

It's that time again. Time for another improvised poem-thing. The following poem-thing is written on a subject I feel extremely passionate about, and I am not, in any way, 'asking for attention', as I have never personally experienced anything that I'm about to talk about. My wish is to simply raise awareness for the people for whom this subject matter effects or is relevant to. And to ask anybody who knows somebody like this to simply tell them that you're there to listen. And to anybody who is going through something like this to, please, tell someone. (I will leave numbers and links for hotlines etc. below) I am also not insinuating that women are the only ones who suffer from rape/sexual assault, but this poem is written in light of some recent news in the UK about a young girl living very close to home. (I will also leave a link to the news article below)


If you believe in this stuff,
We're all God's creations
But we even brush past someone,
Without a written invitation?

You know, I'm all for women's rights
I'm a feminist, right here
And I'll stand up for anyone,
Gay, bi or queer.

But people who say the don't like history,
Because it means 'his story'
Need to get over themselves,
Because you're so fucking boring.

I'd be lying if I said,
We haven't moved forward
If we said we could be gay,
Without a fucking chorus.

But when people say 'feminist',
It attracts 'bad attention'
But it still fill up our archives,
Our statuses and mentions.

Because, online, we're different people
It's not hard to realise
But you've never seen something twist,
Behind your parents' eyes-

When you tell them that you're gay,
You were attacked or assaulted
When they don't know how to take it
When it turns into your fault and-

They ask you what you were wearing
'How short was your skirt?'
'Didn't you scream at all?'
And when you show them the dirt

You're the little whore girl,
Who craved bad attention
Just to fill up her archive,
Her statuses and mentions.

We live in a society,
That teaches girls not to get raped
Instead of waking men up,
With the smell of their mistakes.

Samaritans website (UK):

NHS Live Well website and helpline (UK + IRL):


Daily Mail article:
