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So last Thursday I collected my AS level results. (For anybody not in the UK, or over the age of 30, that means I've got half of my A-levels*. Now I've said it, it seems pretty pointless to be honest.) But, anyway, they were a pretty big deal... and I got A B B C (woo!) But it didn't help that, before I went in to the hall to pick them up, I was greeted by hoards of teenagers sobbing because they've catastrophically failed and they've no idea what they're going to do with their lives. Thankfully, I was not one of those people.
*A-Levels are the qualifications we get in the UK after we've left high school at 16. After 16, we go into college/sixth form (depending on how posh the area you live in is) for 2 years - 16-18. Or some people go into Apprenticeships (Internships for people in the US).
Anyway, for a while, I had completely forgotten about my impending adulthood and was busy rolling in all the cash money dolla I've been getting for my new job. But on Thursday it hit me and, once the euphoria of 'holy shit, my life isn't going to crash and burn', dissolved and quickly turned into 'holy shit, my life is going to crash and burn because I'm a grown up now'. So I decided to turn my
attention back to the future (get it?) and sort myself out.
So, here's my life plan;

1.) Get into University (English Literature and Creative Writing combined degree yes please thank you).
2.) Survive University.
3.) Get a job (preferably as a Journalist or a publisher or whatever).
4.) Start making the cash money dolla.

6.) Get that frickin' book published.
7.) Dress that book up in baby clothes and take it everywhere with me.
8.) When people ask 'Aw, can I see your baby?', say 'Yes, in Waterstones, WH Smiths and all good bookstores'.
9.) Fall in love and have kids or whatever.
10.) There isn't a 10th point, I didn't like leaving things on such an awkward number. But, I suppose, be happy or whatever.
So, yeah, I don't know whether this makes me an extremely boring person but a.) I like being organised and, b.) I like making lists.