Monday, 21 March 2016

The Rant

So I was in the shower the other day, as one sometimes is, and I started to think about some stuff. Stuff that makes me angry, which isn't a hard title to be given by me, stuff that doesn't make sense, stuff that shouldn't exist and stuff that should. And my brain drifted into this abyss of dangerous ground to publicly walk on online. You know, my usually atheistic ramble about religion and its 100 hydra heads of loopholes that allow death and fascism and shit that just doesn't make sense to me. So I started getting hella angry all on my little loan some and so I obviously thought, 'the world needs to hear this' and this shitty blog is my only output. This and Twitter, but that'd like walking over a land mine in snow shoes.

Anyway, point number one, what's with all the racism? I mean, people look at a man or woman in religious headdress and immediately think to themselves 'terrorist'. It's like it's programmed into even the most open-minded of us, a circuit in our minds that's been hot-wired by hungry journalists and racist old white men you hear in passing when you're in ASDA. 'They need kicking out', 'they're spreading a bad message to the kids.' THEY'RE spreading bad messages? I'll tell you who's spreading bad messages - you are. You're poisoning your kids with your own horrid, objective, racist, sexist, homophobic or whatever opinions, teaching them to be cruel viscous parents, friends, husbands, wives. And then they'll go on to create more of your kind, that's the real problem. And what about our faithful ol' white religions? What about all the fucked up messes they've got us into? But we've been trained to forget them. How come you look at a man in a turban and think 'ISIS', but you don't look at a man wearing a cross around his neck and think 'KKK'? What about the countless wars and massacres and geonocides committed at the hands of those following the Bible, never mind the Qur'an. 

Point number two (leading on from the first one somewhat) - Donald fucking Trump. Now I know I 'shouldn't be giving him the attention' so I'm just going to say one thing and leave it. I'm was just going to say; I'm terrified. He could be in control of the most powerful country in the world. Think about it, that racist greasy lunatic with all the power in the world grasped in his sweaty pervert chubby probably has a secret swastika tattoo, hands. And to think, we were worried about Nigel Farage.

I don't know why I numbered the points, there's only like two. I think I've just lost the will to do anything about any of it any more, because what can I do? If Trump gets into power, and he starts pulling some Putin shit on is, I'll probably have to take this down. Imagine, 'sir we've detected a threat.' 'Where is it coming from?' 'An 18-year-old student in some place called West Yorkshire. We're detecting the signal to be coming from a two-bedroom bungalow in a geriatric ward village. It looks pretty serious.' 'OK, kill her plez.'

For some reason, I don't think it's going to get that bad, but you never know. I've always said my generation is going to witness World War 3, so you never know, he might be the straw to break the canel's back.

What an upbeat note to end on.
