Friday, 29 May 2015

Whoa, what happened?

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So... 3 weeks or something right?
I'm not going to try and formulate a bullshit excuse as to why.
You probably don't even care anyway. To be honest, exams and college got a little bit on top of me and there's also been a lot of stuff going on in my head these past couple of weeks.

So let's not linger on that, let's talk about something current and relatable, woo! So what's current and relatable nowadays? Yeah, what about the Pirate Kings plague? Holy mother of god, I swear if I see another request on my timeline I'm going to snap. 'Ron Swanson McBride has sent you a request for Pirate Kings'. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. I didn't even know I was friends with half of these people! The day I break and actually set up a Pirate Kings account will be a dark day for all man kind. Think of the day when Kick-Ass 2 came out and then multiply that by at least 3. We're talking some Star Wars Episode 3 shit right here. What even is it? Is it like some Clash of Clans rip-off? (another game that I have never, and have no desire to, play). I'm nearly 18, people, I don't have time to play these shitty kids games!

Sorry, what? Sorry, Lucario just levelled up at Lumiose.

What else is current and relatable? I know, Welsh Board. If anybody doesn't know what Welsh Board is, it's an exam board in the UK that asks THE MOST POINTLESS QUESTIONS IN THE WORLD. A good example of this was, in my sociology exam, named 'Families and Households' they asked, for the first question 'What is a household?' Like, bitch, if you're asking me this question that's included in the name of the actual paper, we're going to have some problems. Like, I could previously say with confidence that I knew what a household was, but now I don't have a clue. 

But now all my exams are over and I've just spent the entirety of half term procrastinating. Actually, hang on, I've got nothing to procrastinate from so I don't even know what I've spent my time doing. Oh my god, what is my life? What is my purpose? I suppose I've got to start thinking about Uni soon because my first open day is the beginning of next month. Holy shit, I'm an adult (nearly). But for the purpose of this post, I'm an adult. I'm going to have to live alone and do my own washing and pay bills and other mature activities. I can cook, but put me in a titanium room with an iron and I'll find a way to burn it down.

Oh god. Oh god I'm going to be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians in my halls. Burning Becky, that's what they'll call me. Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad thing. I could make a living as a WWE fighter with a name like that. 


Thursday, 7 May 2015

Beware of opinions

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So it's election day today in Britain. I'm not old enough yet to vote but, to be honest, (this is where the opinions start that you were warned about) they all seem like pricks anyway. I mean, some of the politicians may be pretty sound if I sat down and had a beer with them, but I doubt any of them would want to touch my dirty working-class hands.

Anyway, I've been hearing a lot of people my age saying 'yeah, I'm going to vote UKIP for the laugh'. This sort of stuff makes me weep for mankind. Honestly, this is probably how idiots like that get any power in the first place. Because this is their target audience, lazy people who can't be bothered to actually read into any of their policies - which I won't get into now because I'll just go off on one, an nobody wants that. Trust me.

Another thing that's gotten my goat recently (I like that phrase. I should use it more often. Well... maybe I shouldn't) are the 'Are you beach body ready?' posters. If anyone hasn't seen them yet, they look like this:
Yeah... you can see why this has caused some problems. Especially since the owner of the company replied to a protester's tweet with something along the lines of 'Why are your problems my problems?' with a little winky face at the end after she tweeted about her battle with anorexia. Here's an idea, anybody that replies to any tweet concerning their business with a cocky rhetorical question and a winky face, well, maybe they shouldn't have their own business in the first place. Especially one with adverts that sexually objectify women. #feministandstillhere

Also, I was thinking the other day, I'm going to start doing a  new segment that'll appear in posts talking about things that I recommend this week. Basically it's just something I'm going to use to pad out my posts and let all 5 of you know about some stuff I'm #yololoving with this week.

So this week I'm recommending:
Brooklyn 99 (TV show)
Honestly guys, this is one of the best comedy shows that has been created in a while. It's an American show set in Brooklyn (never would've guessed) and it's been airing for just about over a year now, but you can catch up on it for free on 4oD... or All4... or whatever the fuck they're calling it now. It stars Andy Samberg who is well, he's the sort of guy who, even if you think you don't know who he is, you probably know who he is. So yeah, go n' have a good ol' binge. Actually, no, if you're in school/college wait until exams are over. And while everyone's out having a good time, you can sit at home alone... watching this amazing show!

(all images presented are not my own and I do not own the rights to any. All rights go to and belong to those who own them)

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron: Film Review

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What can I say? Marvel Studios did not disappoint on this one. Well, maybe a little, but we'll get to that later. So, first of all, I fucking loved this movie. From the story line, to the special effects, right down to the locks on Chris Hemsworth's luxurious golden mane.

This movie did not disappoint on the actor side-of-things, Robert Downey Jr. and all of the Chrisses were obviously present, but new characters like Quicksilver, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, (who people of my generation may recognize from the smash Box Office hit, Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Oh yeah, and he did that Kick-Ass thing too I guess) and Scarlet Witch, played by Elizabeth Olsen... yeah.. she's the sister of the Olsen twins, I don't know. I feel like should, but I don't.

But, anyway, don't get your hopes up like I did when I heard Quicksilver was going to be in this film. I mean, Aaron Taylor-J- you know what, I'm just going to refer to him as TJ from now on. Anyway, TJ did a solid job playing the role but I don't think anyone's ever going to beat Evan Peter's portrayal
of the hero in X-Men: Days of Future Past - even if he did only appear in it for 15 minutes, which is complete and utter ridiculousness if you ask me. Plus, they were both in Kick-Ass, which gave me all kinds of feels when I realized.

So yeah, the film was a belly-full of lols, so many, in fact, I couldn't recall an exact joke to you. Apart from the hammer gag, yeah, that was pretty funny. To anyone who hasn't seen this movie, you'll get that when you see it. Honestly, that scene did a better job making me love Chris Hemsworth more than the entire movie and its prequel did.

If I'm honest, I didn't think anyone could live up to Tom Hiddlestone's portrayal of the villain in Assemble, but James Spader did an awesome job voicing/playing Ultron, I reckon they're on-par. And the whole idea behind Ultron and TV (an anagram for anybody who's seen the film and it helps prevent spoilers for those who haven't) were amazingly well adapted into film-form (have I just made a word up? I like it) that I found their story lines exceedingly hard to pick fault at. Seriously, if there was something wrong with them, you would've been thoroughly told by now.

In conclusion, if you like Marvel, go see this movie. If you don't like Marvel, go see this movie. If you're deaf and blind, go see this movie. Go see the goddamn movie, OK? Also, Mark Ruffalo stole the show. Just saying.

p.s. do you like my new banner? I made it with my own blood, sweat and tears. And an iPad, but mainly my blood and shit.

(all images presented are not my own and I do not own the rights to any. All rights go to and belong to those who own them)