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So it's election day today in Britain. I'm not old enough yet to vote but, to be honest, (this is where the opinions start that you were warned about) they all seem like pricks anyway. I mean, some of the politicians may be pretty sound if I sat down and had a beer with them, but I doubt any of them would want to touch my dirty working-class hands.
Anyway, I've been hearing a lot of people my age saying 'yeah, I'm going to vote UKIP for the laugh'. This sort of stuff makes me weep for mankind. Honestly, this is probably how idiots like that get any power in the first place. Because this is their target audience, lazy people who can't be bothered to actually read into any of their policies - which I won't get into now because I'll just go off on one, an nobody wants that. Trust me.

Yeah... you can see why this has caused some problems. Especially since the owner of the company replied to a protester's tweet with something along the lines of 'Why are your problems my problems?' with a little winky face at the end after she tweeted about her battle with anorexia. Here's an idea, anybody that replies to any tweet concerning their business with a cocky rhetorical question and a winky face, well, maybe they shouldn't have their own business in the first place. Especially one with adverts that sexually objectify women. #feministandstillhere
Also, I was thinking the other day, I'm going to start doing a new segment that'll appear in posts talking about things that I recommend this week. Basically it's just something I'm going to use to pad out my posts and let all 5 of you know about some stuff I'm #yololoving with this week.
So this week I'm recommending:
Brooklyn 99 (TV show)
Honestly guys, this is one of the best comedy shows that has been created in a while. It's an American show set in Brooklyn (never would've guessed) and it's been airing for just about over a year now, but you can catch up on it for free on 4oD... or All4... or whatever the fuck they're calling it now. It stars Andy Samberg who is well, he's the sort of guy who, even if you think you don't know who he is, you probably know who he is. So yeah, go n' have a good ol' binge. Actually, no, if you're in school/college wait until exams are over. And while everyone's out having a good time, you can sit at home alone... watching this amazing show!
(all images presented are not my own and I do not own the rights to any. All rights go to and belong to those who own them)