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What can I say? Marvel Studios did not disappoint on this one. Well, maybe a little, but we'll get to that later. So, first of all, I fucking loved this movie. From the story line, to the special effects, right down to the locks on Chris Hemsworth's luxurious golden mane.
This movie did not disappoint on the actor side-of-things, Robert Downey Jr. and all of the Chrisses were obviously present, but new characters like Quicksilver, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, (who people of my generation may recognize from the smash Box Office hit, Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Oh yeah, and he did that Kick-Ass thing too I guess) and Scarlet Witch, played by Elizabeth Olsen... yeah.. she's the sister of the Olsen twins, I don't know. I feel like should, but I don't.

of the hero in X-Men: Days of Future Past - even if he did only appear in it for 15 minutes, which is complete and utter ridiculousness if you ask me. Plus, they were both in Kick-Ass, which gave me all kinds of feels when I realized.
So yeah, the film was a belly-full of lols, so many, in fact, I couldn't recall an exact joke to you. Apart from the hammer gag, yeah, that was pretty funny. To anyone who hasn't seen this movie, you'll get that when you see it. Honestly, that scene did a better job making me love Chris Hemsworth more than the entire movie and its prequel did.
If I'm honest, I didn't think anyone could live up to Tom Hiddlestone's portrayal of the villain in Assemble, but James Spader did an awesome job voicing/playing Ultron, I reckon they're on-par. And the whole idea behind Ultron and TV (an anagram for anybody who's seen the film and it helps prevent spoilers for those who haven't) were amazingly well adapted into film-form (have I just made a word up? I like it) that I found their story lines exceedingly hard to pick fault at. Seriously, if there was something wrong with them, you would've been thoroughly told by now.
In conclusion, if you like Marvel, go see this movie. If you don't like Marvel, go see this movie. If you're deaf and blind, go see this movie. Go see the goddamn movie, OK? Also, Mark Ruffalo stole the show. Just saying.
p.s. do you like my new banner? I made it with my own blood, sweat and tears. And an iPad, but mainly my blood and shit.
(all images presented are not my own and I do not own the rights to any. All rights go to and belong to those who own them)